Saturday, October 3, 2015

A prayer...

Let the mind be natural

Let the body be

Let the heart be open and flowing

Let there be curiosity

Let every inbreath be a surrender with gratitude

Let every out breath be a response from that

When there is nothing left to surrender

Let there be silence

Friday, September 25, 2015

I was alive but perhaps I did not live...

Darkness is not black
Silence is not silent
Stillness is not still
Emptiness is not empty
Meditation is not meditate-ing

Somewhat less than 30 years ago in my undergrad intro to public speaking class I wrote a speech about meditation and called on the class to try it for some of its, then sparsely, published benefits. I remember the teacher rebuking me for making a speech with religious orientation. I was a rebel, so every speech from then on was somehow related to meditation. Needless to say I squeaked out with barely passing grades.

So, nearly thirty years later, I share my own detour from my own speech to others and my coming home with this:

Meditation is not sitting, with eyes closed, and silent with nothing on the mind in an empty room. I would challenge any religion that claims to own meditation. On the contrary, meditation is not even a verb- its a state that happens when, perhaps, all the senses connect to the whole and all happens just as it should. Everything happens as before- the mind chatters, the desires rise and fall, anticipation happens, memories replay, some foods create a lot of gas, some people piss you off, aches and pains come and go like the seasons, etc. But, something gradually changes or maybe it goes back to its own way.

The doors are everywhere; the key is in the heart; open it, and walk right in.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Is anything ever lost?

Why, O Why....?

Why do we stay within a gypsy-circle, when being is boundless, everywhere
Why do we fear death, when being is timeless, eternal
Why do we fear life, when being IS life itself
Why do we fear love, when being is unconditional love
Why do we fear the other, when there is only one?

The antidote is within the heart; look, listen, follow it.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

All I needed...

Someone wiser than me once said, there's a football field worth of space for every golf-ball size of matter in the existence. Some of it is right within. That space is the fertile ground for the very growth of that seed. Here's to the hope and promise that everyone of us finds that space...

All I needed was a little space,
    to contemplate,
      to flow, and
        to heal
In my darkest night, I needed you, 
    who called me their own, 
        to hold this space for me
Instead, what I got was a heartbreak,
    how could I have gotten anything else,
       from those who lack themselves
For this, though, I offer my deepest gratitude,
    infinite were its broken pieces strewn across,
        each a little heart in its own,
              arranged in vastness beyond all imagination,
                  each inviting me to dive right in
To dissolve in this space, to surrender, to discover, and to grow.

Friday, August 14, 2015

What do 125 hearts beating in harmonious rhythms sound like?

Recently I had the honor of presenting HeartMath to a group of leaders within a local organization. As I walked into the conference center, the participants were busy eating their lunch and conversing with one another. The room had very high ceilings, nonetheless the din was very pronounced. There was a lot of movement. Meanwhile as I centered myself for the presentation in the green room, I noticed a fear that after lunch people might doze off, yet remained curious to see what unfolds.
The presentation started with a video and an overview of the value proposition for them and I introduced myself sharing a little of my background and the journey. I invited the participants to try the Heart Focused Breathing technique... followed by participants sharing their own experiences. They described it as: connected to self, calm, relaxed but alert, silent, etc.
To reduce their cognitive overload, I shared only a few slides of the science behind the technique. Then we tried a slightly longer Inner Ease technique to end the presentation, while I remained curious to feel the harmonious rhythms of 125 hearts.
As someone wiser than me once said the only difference between noise and music is that the music has energies in harmony. So, what do 125 hearts in harmonious rhythms sound like?  A musical piece like no other I had heard before... perfectly silent, still, awake and aware. It was a surreal yet energizing experience. 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Try as I may...

Try as I may, I could never drink the ocean
so, nature devised raindrops, to quench the thirst, for me

Try as I may, I couldn't eat the earth to survive
so, nature devised food, to satiate the hunger, for me

Try as I may, I couldn't bathe inside the Sun
so, nature devised water, to carry its warmth, to me

Try as I may, I couldn't possibly experience the wholeness
so, nature gave me a heart to carry the wholeness with me

Stop, look, listen to your own heart, it's the nature that whispers softly.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

What's this HeartMath stuff?

People have asked me what's this HeartMath stuff? Too often it becomes a challenge to explain the stuff separate from the brand. I am happy to realize that I am in trouble whenever I find myself using the terms like Heart Rate Variability and coherence. Even if I find someone who gets this stuff, like a physician, they end up asking: so why do they call it heart math. One doctor wanted to know what was the mathematics of the heart... So, finally, instead of explaining what HeartMath is or is not, I let them experience it. Typically, the experience is very noticeable in the first couple of minutes. So, here I share a recording for a routine that I practiced myself, for you to experience your own heart's mathematics.

Monday, July 6, 2015

#withCompassion: HHDL the 14th, visits California.

This July 4th His Holiness Dalai Llama the 14th is visiting the LA area. The two day event is called Compassion Summit and appears to be sold out. It is also his 80th birthday celebration. I am, and I'm sure this world is, grateful for the Dalai Llama's wisdom and his work. The only thing I could muster up about compassion is that if it were available in a pill, it would be the most prescribed medication in the world. However, I suspect the insurance companies would not cover it as it wouldn't be classified as a medical necessity ;-).  

Sunday, June 7, 2015

What might you see when....

What might you see when.... you look through the eyes of your heart?
Hummingbirds dancing midair
Bees pollinating with a fervor
Mallard couple floating by in love
Rose simply blooming
Mockingbirds singing aloud
Butterflies fluttering by
River quietly on her journey
Hawks in surrender to thermals
Tall grasses waving in the breeze
Ants busily working
Cats napping in shade
Rooster crowing with all his strength
Children overflowing with love
Squirrels storing food for winter
Heron meditating in the pond, so the fish thinks
Turtles sunning their backs
Fish steady steadfast in flow
Bullfrogs seeking attention
Snails crawling back and forth
Ripe fruits dropping back to earth
Fragrances wafting in the air
Cars creating melody of layered sounds
Ladybugs snacking on aphids
Bluejays frolicking from branch to branch
.... None of these!
What you might see is the one, in stillness, who is enjoying all of these.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Compassion is...

First and foremost, compassion is towards ones own self...
kindness without pity,
love without motive,
care without pity,
gratitude without attribution,
sharing without expecting,
appreciating without desiring,
looking without discriminating,
experiencing without judging,
flowing without abiding,
knowing what I know is nothing compared to all that there is to know.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Where do you operate from?

It doesn't neither good, nor bad; just notice where you usually operate from.

The fragmented mind has no solutions
The heart intelligence has no problems 
The mind seeks to know
The heart already knows
The mind says why
The heart, why not
The mind reacts
The heart responds
The mind says this n that
The heart, here and now
The mind says me me
The heart, we we
The mind seeks
The heart, shares
The mind pulls
The heart elevates
The mind is active
The heart, action
The mind abides
The heart flows
The mind likes binary
The heart loves the real
The mind judges
The heart accepts
The mind discriminates
The heart unites
The mind tries to win
The heart surrenders,
And in that surrendering, wins.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Mathematics of the Heart

Four or five years ago I watched a documentary called "I Am" and therein was a reference to HeartMath. I didn't realize that I will need to learn and use this HeartMath thing years later, as I was going through serious health issue, divorce and job displacement- all at the same time.

I am nearing certification for becoming HeartMath Coach/Mentor so that I can teach others these powerfully simple and scientific techniques. These techniques have been around for centuries but HeartMath has done a wonderful thing by bringing forth the scientific evidence about how these techniques work.

Mystics spoke in poetry, organized religious leaders spoke in their own language, others created rituals and soon the simple instructions became fuzzy. HeartMath has brought back clarity, with evidence, to these techniques for everyone to learn and apply.

When I was learning these techniques, I relied on ebooks and Google. My own experiences and trials taught me how to gain a richer experience beyond the published instructions. Having a teacher/mentor, as it was centuries ago, also helped immensely.

Since then, I've shared these techniques with my kids and friends who have found a profound difference in clarity and space even after the first practice.

So, I am grateful to HeartMath and all the people who work there or are part of their community, for being part of my own journey. A journey from the head to the heart; shortest and yet the most challenging.